








  胡大一教授表示。他相信正义,相信时间 相信历史。绝不相信一个伤害人民健康,让年轻人提前心肌梗死,使人过早致残丢失生命的烟草行业和他们的后台能猖狂长久,都是纸老虎。不控烟,慢病防控无望;不控烟,何谈健康中国,愚公移山,挖山不止。越是对大众健康有益的事,越难做,也越值得为之奋斗,有生之年当上一任中国控烟协会会长,无比幸福,无限荣光。

  施贺德:世卫组织驻华代表 北京市控烟志愿者

  胡大一:中国控烟协会会长 著名心脑血管专家




?  “二手烟致命”并不是耸言听闻有大量的证据,二手烟危害健康,而且控制二手烟,一年就可以看到心肌梗死发病率下降。烟雾里面漂浮着上百种的有害物质,肯定对健康有害,这并不是耸人听闻。










  要有法,也要有行动!第一点要进一步完善执法机制,加强执法力度,发动更多志愿者的参与;第二要进一步完善和强化举报电话和举报体制的功能;第三,要发动公众,让更多人敢于站出来,维护不吸烟者的健康权利 。




























What Do We Do With Secondhand Smoke?Live chat with Dr. Hu Dayi and Dr. Bernhard Schwartl?nder

It's the annual Two Sessions again, but there is something different about Beijing this year. The Beijing Smoke—free Law has brought fresh air to indoor places in Beijing that visiting delegates can enjoy. This is great, but we believe that NPC delegates and the people they represent should be able to enjoy the same freedom from second—hand smoke back home. That’s why WHO is calling for the adoption of a national smoke—free law.

On 5th March, 2016, the famous cardio surgeon and China Association of Tobacco Control (CATC) chairman Dr Hu Dayi together with World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in China Dr Bernhard Schwartl?nder conducted a live chat at the WHO China office to discuss this issue, why it is so important, and what we do with second—hand smoke (SHS).

Dr Bernhard Schwartl?nderWHO Representative in ChinaDr Hu Dayi

CATC ChairmanFamous Cardio Surgeon

Want to know what they talked about? Here are some of the questions and answers you may be interested in!

Q1: How harmful is second hand smoke ?Dr Hu — secondhand smoke really kills Much evidence indicates that second—hand smoke is harmful to people’s health. It takes only one year of SHS control to see the decrease in myocardial infarction (heart attacks) incidence. There are more than one hundred hazardous chemicals in cigarette smoke, and there is no question they are bad for health. I am not exaggerating.

When pregnant women are exposed to SHS, their babies will be adversely affected. Many women are now planning to have a second child. Smoke will take a toll on both the pregnant women and their babies and might result in low birth weight, prematurity and sudden infant death.

If people who have previously suffered from myocardial infarction continue smoking, their risks of having another infarction and sudden death are much higher. Yet if people with stents in their body or having myocardial infarction before could completely quit smoking, their possibility of death will be lowered by 36%. Quitting smoking is much more effective than taking any medicine, including aspirin.

Dr Schwartl?nder — secondhand smoke can be more harmful than smogIf 3 people are smoking in a restaurant, the PM2.5 reading may exceed 600. Not only is this terribly unhealthy, it can easily be avoided — so let's make sure we protect everybody from SHS.

Q2: What should we do when exposed to SHS?Dr Schwartl?nder — National Smoke—free Law is the keyWe need a national smoke—free law in China. It should be illegal to smoke in offices and public places everywhere. With a good law in place, it will be much easier to talk about it in your workplace, and to your leader.Leaders should adhere to the same laws as everybody else, in fact they should be role models.

When you see people smoking in the public places, talk to them — don't just yell at them! Remind them about the smoke—free law (if you are in Beijing). That is what I do — and I so far have never encountered anyone who reacts aggressively. In fact you may be surprised by some of the positive discussions which can result!

Dr Hu — We need the law, and action as wellWe should first improve the enforcement mechanism, enforce the law in a stronger manner and encourage the participation of more volunteers. We then need to consolidate the function of hotline and complaint system. Third, we should mobilize the public to stand out and protect the right of non—smokers.

Q3: Are electronic cigarettes and water pipes harmful as well? Dr Schwartl?nder — They are harmfulWater pipes are very similar to cigarettes — as they are still combustible tobacco, so they create the same kind of smoke which is very damaging to health. E—cigarettes do not burn tobacco in the same way as cigarettes do, but they still contain many toxic chemicals which are damaging to health.

Dr Hu — E—cigarette is not recomendedElectronic cigarette is not recommended to replace cigarette. It is also a behavior of smoking. We encourage smokers to completely quit smoking.

Q4: Who is responsible for tobacco control?

Dr Hu — Government should take the leadThe best way to control SHS is through legislation and law enforcement. Government should play a leading role in prohibiting smoke in public places through legislation with stronger enforcement.

Dr Schwartl?nder — Government is responsible, but it also need all of us to be engagedThe government carries responsibility for the health of the people. Healthy China must be a smoke—free China. This is why we need a national smoke—free law, and we need clearly defined responsibility for its enforcement.

All of us are part of implementing tobacco control! For example, I am a Beijing Tobacco Control Volunteer and love wearing my blue vest. You should think about signing up too!

Q5: Will tobacco control affect national tax revenue?Dr Schwartl?nder — Raising tobacco tax is a win—win for tobacco control and national revenueMany countries with good tobacco control have tobacco taxes at much higher level than in China. When tobacco taxes go up, government revenue goes up too. Obviously, over time if smoking goes down, businesses which rely on money from tobacco today will shift to other goods and services — all of these contribute tax revenue to the Government.

Q6: Why don't we just close all tobacco factories? Dr Schwartl?nder — Let's make this the beginning of the journeyOf course, if there were no tobacco factories, there would be no cigarettes and no smoking. But in an inter—connected modern world, unfortunately its not that simple. But let's make this the beginning of the journey — so that our children and grandchildren can live in a smoke—free world.

Q7: Why did we ban tobacco philanthropy? Dr Hu — Tobacco philanthropy is a mythMany people mistakenly believe that tobacco philanthropy is a good deed. Yet tobacco enterprises are taking advantage of charity to advertise and promote tobacco products. Thus through legislation, we need to ban tobacco philanthropy, educate people and stop tobacco enterprises from using philanthropy for tobacco advertising.

Dr Schwartl?nder — All tobacco advertisement, promotion and sponsorship should be bannedThe tobacco industry is very smart at using philanthropic donations to increase their brand value, and to make people think that they are good corporate citizens. International law (the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) is clear that all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship should be banned to protect the health of people. Tobacco products kill people, so the companies should not be allowed to promote them in any way — including through philanthropy.

Q8: What progress will China make in the next 30 years? Dr Hu — We are moving forwardBased on the recent trends and developments, we are moving in the right direction, step by step. The next thirty years will see a big change.

Dr Schwartl?nder — Look forward to a smoke—free ChinaWe have seen in many places around the world, that smoke—free laws are the first step towards dramatically reduced smoking rates just a few years later. Let's make it happen for Chinese people! Healthy China = smoke—free China!




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